Course syllabus




During this course you learn more about the characteristics that make an advertising campaign effective (or not) and how to define points of improvement. This also means that you will need to get a good understanding of the objectives of the company and the brand, the target audience and the competition. A good translation of this knowledge is necessary to be able to give an advice on how to build an effective advertisement campaign that will be distinctive and creates impact - the WOW factor!

Nowadays many companies are confronted with a rapidly changing landscape of contemporary practice and brands. Companies can obtain more information from their brand- and market research learning how to approach their customers, why these customers prefer a brand over other brands and how to promote their brand globally through print and digital media.

But: ' Knowledge without creativity is too static, no change can be expected. Creativity without knowledge is too weak, no effect can be expected'.

This course includes a mixed variety of insights and related workshops regarding brand and marketing communication research. This knowledge will help by discussions, analyzing different research methods, applying models, results and conclusions, literature, interpretation and explanation of the teachers, new insights in the field of market and brand research. Changes and different practice environments are leading within this minor in which also the global power of consumers is clear.

The course is time consuming/pressure cooking and has a high quality standard of the presented material by students.

Study load:

5 EC = 140 hours over 8 weeks = approx. 2 full workday’s/week


The main course coal and learning objective of the course Creative Research is:

To be able to start and act as a (starting) professional in the international advertising world, with the focus on creative change & creative research.

Point of departure:

‘Picture your self as a startup advertising agency,  who wishes to acquire new business / clients by presenting your own creative change ideas regarding your clients current TVC campaign and how to optimize the brand marketing communication in order to meet your clients business objectives even better & have a significant impact on consumers behavior …’

In order to succeed, you need to convince your prospects  of your superior creative & (desk research) fact based & state-of-the-art (neuro-) marketing ideas on branding and communication…’

Learning goals: 

1.The promotional campaign (TVC, TV-commercial)

1.Inductive reversed engineering by means of story board analysis, brand persona

2.Analysis by means of the SUCCES-model (Heath Brothers)

2.Analyses of the Consumer

1.Consumer behavior,  incl. emotional & unconscious  aspects (Neuroscience-neuromarkting: Cialdini, kahneman, etc. theory)

2.Marketing research light: relevant target group Mentalities by means of Motivaction segmentation

3.Company: strategic starting points

1.Brand analysis by means of Brand Pyramid (Keller), Brand Key (UL) model,  incl. description of the brand mantra, brand persona  vs. key target group (mentality)

2.Value Chain, Business & marketing objectives & - program, - mix (4 P’s), Metrics  by means of desk research using relevant marketing models, incl. desired qualitative and/or quantitative research

4. Analyses of the context - Relevant Competitors

1.Analysis of promotional campaign in the context, key target group, positioning

2.Identification of the PoP & POD company vs. competitors

5. Pretest of a TVC among the target group



The assessment contains of two parts:

Type of assessment Minimum Grade
Test 1: Report & presentation  5,5
Test 2: Exam (individual open exam – open application video/ vision statement video) 5,5